Class Four
Class 4 is a mixed-age class of Year 3 and Year 4 children, taught by Miss Bareham, supported by Mrs Holloway and Mrs Burman.
In Class 4 the children apply their learning in daily Power Maths lessons and creatively through Talk for Writing English lessons. In Class 4 children will learn history, geography, art and DT skills through exciting topics such as Ancient Greece, the Tudors, The Iron Age, The Ancient Egyptians and more!
Throughout the Autumn term children in Class 4 will go swimming once a week at Thetford Leisure Centre. All children, whether able or non - swimmers learn important water safety rules, acquire new skills and improve techniques with qualified instructors.
Usually in December Class 4 and Class 5 will get in to the Christmas spirit by visiting the theatre to see a pantomime or a show. Throughout the year educational visits will also be organised in line with an area of the curriculum they are studying. Previous visits have included a trip to Time and Tide museum for a Discovering the Iron Age, a visit to Walberswick to explore a locality included crabbing, making sand sculptures and eating ice-creams!
Please follow our Twitter feed to see what learning we have been up to.